“Lightness” is aim of this issue of Treasure Your Life Now. It was a busy week preparing for Thursday night’s interview with Mattison Grey which pleasurably included the last-minute surprise visit with Jonathan Manske, the other co-author of THE MOTIVATION MYTH.
Before he left us Jonathan pointed out how recipients often deny compliments when given to them. The result is that they are left in negative states rather than the positive ones the compliment-givers intended. For those of you who missed it, you can still get the complimentary MP3 download. See MYTH Interview Recording.
Rick Lelchuk’s, one of the people listening, had another call he was scheduled to be on at 8:30 PM. He found this conversation so important and helpful that he chose to stay on our call. “Why?” Check out his comments, after Tips and Queries below.
Today’s Images –
Today’s issue of Treasure Your Life Now breaks from the tradition of solely featuring photographs. The focus is on play, freedom, and creating and finding beauty and satisfaction in limited spaces.
Before scrolling down to find out what the images are, I invite you to slowly enjoy each. Play in the space created. You might even be moved to do some writing or movement from them. After spending a moment or two, or more, then go below for the story.
The Story of the Images –
Recently a friend of mine emailed me some drawings that her granddaughter had done using an app on her grandmother’s iPad. They were beautiful. Intrigued I immediately went to Google and found:
“Flowpaper is an interactive drawing tool that lets you make beautiful flowing paintings using your finger tip. Perfect for making a personal background for your device or for sharing with a friend.” http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/flowpaper/id424499611?mt=8
At 99 cents, I purchased it immediately; then started playing. To my delight, in a couple of minutes a drawing that excited and pleased me was complete (the top one). The next day the sixth one I did (shown on the bottom) was finished, to my satisfaction and delight, in about a minute! Four more are in a photo album on my Facebook page.
The middle picture uses one of my photos that I felt looked somewhat flat on its own, with the birds flying out of the scene; so I experimented using it as a background for drawing.
Today’s Relationship Tips and Queries –
Earlier I stated that the focus of today’s Treasure Your Life Now is “play, freedom, and creating and finding beauty and satisfaction in limited spaces.” I hope that you felt that in at least one of the three pictures. I think the “play” part is evident, with the freedom, in part, being the unlimited, unrestricted possibilities in what could be created. And then there is the playfulness in the drawings themselves.
The “limited” spaces refers to the small window of the iPhone. Because of this I able to complete something quickly that gave me satisfaction.
For me, were I to have been using Flowpaper on an iPad, with a much bigger work area than the iPhone, there would have been many more aesthetic decisions that I, in my artist’s mind, might possibly be struggling with.
As I wind down here, I’m actually finding myself “stuck” for making connections with the story to this Relationships and Tips section. I suspect, from past experience with subscribers, that there is something in the images and/or what I’ve written that will resonate with some of you in terms of life situations.
I sense that there are some analogous messages here. I am giving myself the freedom to conclude now, and you the freedom to create the tips for yourself. If you do have an “aha”, please share it with us in the COMMENTS below.
Testimonial on Interview with Mattison Grey, The Motivation Myth, co-author:
“I had not heard of Mattison Grey, or any of her work, until Sheila brought it to my attention. Most of us think we have the right idea about praise and appreciation. Not until I heard Sheila’s interview with Mattison did I understand how to best transform resistance into receptivity. I’ll be using this from now on.
This was time well spent. Listen to the REPLAY. This interview will open new vistas of possibility.” Rick Lelchuk
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Love this “play”, Sheila. This reminds me of the zentangle courses I’ve been taking. Using pen and a small square of paper, we draw repetitive patterns and come up with a work of art in a short period of time. The philosophy is “anything is possible one line at a time”. I can’t even draw and yet I love doing the “tangles”. This looks even easier. Haven’t had a chance to listen to the podcast yet, but I am looking forward to it. Thanks for offering it.
Thanks for your reply, Debii. Of course I immediately went to Google to learn about Zentangle. Most interesting. I would often, in the past, do similar type drawing. Never realized there was a name for it or specific principles to it. And, ‘yes”, in a way I was doing the same process with Flowpaper. The thing with the latter, though, is the lines and shapes flow out from single “lines” a finger makes. Continued pleasure and fun with Zentangle.